Tales of the Neon Sea is Free on Epic Games Store Next Week
The Epic Games Store has become known for curating at least one free game per week since the store launched back in 2018. Many of the games they provide through this are high-quality titles. This has helped Epic become a major force in the content delivery market for games. And rather quickly. Now, Epic has revealed it’s latest free game and it’s none other than Palm Pioneer’s fantastic adventure game Tales of the Neon Sea.
For those unaware, Tales of the Neon Sea is a cyberpunk adventure game where you play as a hard-boiled detective in a futuristic dystopian city. Originally released almost two years ago, the game sports old-school pixel art and adventure game mechanics with a modern design philosophy. It has enjoyed a lot of positive feedback on its Steam store page.
Tales of the Neon Sea will be free on Epic starting on April 1st and until April 7th. It will replace the current free game, Creature in the Well. If you haven’t had a chance to pick this underrated gem up, this will be the perfect opportunity for you to do so.
This was one of the first games we wrote about a couple of years ago. It’s good to see it finally coming to more platforms. Strangely, we’re still waiting for a Switch port. But we’re not complaining, you can’t beat free after all.