Tokyo:Otherscape Is a New TTRPG Seemingly Inspired by Shadowrun

Tokyo:Otherscape Is a New TTRPG Seemingly Inspired by Shadowrun
Tokyo:Otherscape is a new TTRPG inspired by Shadowrun, Ghost in the Shell, and Akira

Amit Moshe and Son of Oak Game Studio, creators of the popular tabletop RPG game City of Mist have launched a Kickstarter to fund their new project, Tokyo:Otherscape. The TTRPG is based on the City of Mist engine and similarly features a modern/futuristic setting juxtaposed against fantasy-based plot elements and characters.

Backing the project will help fund the creation of the game’s corebook, Metro:Otherscape and its urban setting book, Tokyo:Otherscape. Pledging at the lowest, $29 level gets you both. There is also a $99 box set level which gets you both books as well as five pregen character folios and a bunch of other goodies.

:Otherscape is a new cyberpunk RPG that combines supernatural powers inspired by mythology and legend. It is designed by Amit Moshe and Son of Oak Game Studio, the award-winning team that created City of Mist, with art by manga artist Isago Fukuda and other gifted artists.

Inspired by Japanese cyberpunk masterpieces like Ghost In The Shell and Akira, :Otherscape will take your group on a rollercoaster ride of gunfights, vehicle chases, cyberspace and urban-scape exploration, clashes of mythology and technology, faction wars, and philosophical questions about the nature of being human — and how to transcend it.

Tokyo:Otherscape’s Kickstarter Page

While the Kickstarter page lists the project’s inspirations as Ghost in the Shell and Akira, we can’t help but notice similarities to another cyberpunk/fantasy fusion, Shadowrun. The fusion of cyberpunk and mythic fantasy is not something that is done very often and it’s actually quite nice to see another project doing it.

The Kickstarter also states the game will feature art by manga artist Isago Fukuda, creator of the QUEERZ! manga series. Son of Oak also worked with Fukuda to adapt that manga to a TTRPG.

Tokyo:Otherscape shows real promise. The Kickstarter has been a massive success as well. As of the writing of this article, the project is funded at $148,000 which is far beyond the original goal of $35,000. The setting and story are compelling and the artwork is gorgeous. As I’ve stated many other times on this blog, I’m not really a TTRPG guy but I love the way this sounds and looks.